Drink Water - Daily reminder
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Pluviometer - Rain gauge
This is really a outstanding way to see the amount of rain your going to get at not only your location but around the world also. When during the day it will rain and how much. You also get information about tomorrows rain in the same manor! This is truly a 5 star app that you should download!
Fishing Barometer
So I woke up to do some ice fishing and felt the need to stay in bed. Wondering the barometric pressure, I searched for an app that would give me the pressure yet relate to fishing. I came across this app and gave it a whirl. The barometric reading read “awesome” for fishing, so I dragged myself out of bed and had literally the best fishing day ever, resulting in huge bluegill and perch on a lake that I have always had bad luck. Again! This maybe luck, but will be one app for the fishing toolbox.
Fishing Barometer
Simple easy to use two needles makes it possible to measure rate and direction of recent trend.
Weather Station
I have tried dozens of weather apps, I can confirm that this one is by far the best. There are weather apps filled with advertisements or provide so much information that you find it difficult to find the temperature or weather forecasts, or those who give wrong predictions, or even worse applications that crash, but Weather Force is not one of this...plain reading, graphs, correct information and purchase available for iPhone and iPad. In short, the App clearly worth the money!
Lux - Sunrise and Sunset
Fantastic Nice graphics. Notification settings for when the sun will set and rise with ability to receive it time before. Excellent between winter, spring and summer has always intrigued me the change of the sun. I know how much I have left before dark or begins to shed light ....Very useful for me. Widget included!
Anemometer - Wind speed
Very accurate I am happy with this app and the app package is a great deal.
The Weather Station
Keeps everything in one place. Easy to setup and use.
Barometer - Atmospheric pressure
From a dense forest of bland weather apps arises this perfectly slender sapling of a measurement masterpiece. Measurement and analysis of absolute atmospheric pressure and it's changes form the very essence of the weather man's art. This graphically classic tool conveys barometric pressure in a richly satisfying way. This app shines on iPhone or iPad.